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Our 200th Habitat Home! Meet Sheneshia

We are ecstatic to welcome Sheneshia to the Habitat family. She will become our 200th Habitat homeowner this September 2017! Read on to learn a little more about her Habitat journey, and join us on September 23rd to celebrate 200 homes.

Please tell us a little about you and your family.

My name is Sheneshia Anderson and I am 38 years old. I have a very good heart, I love to help people, and I love to laugh. I have a son named DeMario Anderson who is 19 years old. He is very playful and has a heart of gold, he will actually give you the clothes off of his body!

How does your family spend quality time? What are your hobbies?

My family and I love to travel and just enjoy each other’s company. We love to have family gatherings and go to sporting events.

Where do you work?

I work at Genesis Healthcare (Foxglove Center). I have been there for 8 years working as a Certified Nursing Assistant. I also work at Riverwoods Behavioral Health Services.

Why did you apply to be a Habitat homeowner?

I have always wanted to buy a house but never succeeded because of personal reasons like my financial situation. After working on my credit to improve it, I decided to give the program a try.

What are you looking forward to the most when you are a Habitat homeowner?

As a Habitat homeowner, I look forward to knowing that I do not have to sign another lease and wondering whether my rent will increase. My personal goals are to become financially stable, finish school, and continue to volunteer to help future homeowners.

Where do you live now?

I [used to] stay in a 2 bedroom and 2 bathroom apartment with my son. I moved out of my apartment in June 2017. If I would have renewed my lease, my rent would have went up another $50. My current living situation right now is with my sister and her family. I know I’m not a burden on them because they love the company, but it’s nothing like having your own.

How did you hear about Southern Crescent Habitat for Humanity?

I heard about Southern Crescent Habitat through a family member.

What about Habitat has been the biggest surprise to you?

The response time once I turned in my application in was a surprise because I actually thought it was going to take longer.

Describe the hardships you have faced on your road to the American Dream of homeownership.

The hardships that I have faced are working 2 jobs and making sure my son is well-taken care of while trying to complete all my hours in order to become a Habitat homeowner.

How will your life change once you move into your new home?

My life will be different because I will be able to work on my next goal of becoming financially stable since my living situation is not a burden anymore. It’s like having a load lifted off your chest.

What is the first thing you are going to do in your new home?

The first thing I am going to do in my new home is give thanks to my God all mighty for allowing me to be a homeowner.

What would you like to say to Habitat and the volunteers that are going to help you build your new home?

I would like to say thank you, thank you, thank you from the bottom of my heart to all the volunteers and donors and even those that wanted to participate but couldn’t for making it possible for my son and me to have a place to actually call our own!

SCHFH Teams Up with Warrick Dunn Charities for the Surprise of a Lifetime

Jonesboro, GA [November 22, 2016] – Southern Crescent Habitat for Humanity teamed up with Warrick Dunn Charities for the surprise of a lifetime. When Rickita pulled up to her new Habitat home on the morning of November 22, she thought she was just going to have a simple Home Dedication with Southern Crescent Habitat volunteers, her family and her friends. But she knew something was going on when she saw over 60 people in her front yard as well as a dozen cameras and different news crews.

Rickita walked into her home and found out that Warrick Dunn furnished her entire home for their “Home for the Holidays” initiative, free of charge, just in time for the holidays! Many tears were shed, and we thank them from the bottoms of our hearts!

We would also like to thank the wonderful people who worked on Kita’s home, including our construction team, the Atlanta Dream WNBA team, educators and administrators from the Fulton County school system, students from Clayton State University,  and our Grey Ghosts.

About Warrick Dunn Charities
Warrick Dunn Charities is a a 501(c)(3) recognized nonprofit that has helped single parents and children thrive academically, socially and economically. Warrick Dunn, former all-pro running back and philanthropist, began “Homes for the Holidays” during his rookie season in the NFL to honor his late mother, Betty Smothers. Ms. Betty was a Baton Rouge police officer and single mother who was killed while working an off-duty assignment.

About Southern Crescent Habitat For Humanity
Southern Crescent Habitat For Humanity (SCHFH) helps low income families find opportunity, stability and improve their quality of life. SCHFH helps build stronger families and neighborhoods through homeowner education which includes financial literacy and by partnering with donors and volunteers to construct attractive, affordable homes and to repair existing homes. SCHFH has created opportunities for hard working people to own an attractive and affordable home. To qualify they must have a stable job with a 2-year tenure, spend more than 1/3 of their monthly income on rental housing, meet income requirements and invest 300 hours in sweat equity (building homes) and home ownership education (financial and home maintenance). SCHFH has helped over 300 families in South Atlanta, and would like to invite you to be apart of our mission to double that by 2020.

Deborah Powell: One Veteran Homeowner’s Habitat Home Repair Story

Meet Deborah Powell. A transplant to Georgia, she is a retiree out of the U.S. Air Force and an ordained minister at Hind’s Feet Prophetic Worship Center. She volunteers regularly with the Clayton County Sheriff’s Department, teaching Bible studies to women inmates on Wednesday and Thursday afternoons, spreading messages of hope and love.

SCHFH recently accepted Deborah to our Veteran and home repair program, and we have been able to have her kitchen appliances updated, her flooring redone, her roof repaired, and other repairs to her home completed. Deborah asks all SCHFH supporters to help support our veterans in honor of upcoming Veteran’s Day and Georgia Gives Day: “The average citizen can give back to a vet by making donations. When you’re asleep at night, they are over out on the field protecting you and me. And so, by giving back that’s just showing your appreciation of what they have done.”

Donations between now and November 17th, 2016 are DOUBLED thanks to a matching gift from our Board President, Elias Makres. Donors who give $50 or more are invited to attend our party at TopGolf Atlanta Midtown. Give today at schabitat.org/gagivesday.

Meet Our Newest Homeowner, Toni Tayborn

Toni Tayborn has been part of the Habitat family since November 2015, and we are finally breaking ground on her new home this fall in the Hannah Springs neighborhood of Lovejoy, Georgia. She has been working through her “sweat equity” hours earnestly and without complaint, and we hold a special place in our hearts for her as she is also a fellow nonprofit worker at the Salvation Army. We caught up with her and asked her a few questions so that you can get to know her better.

Please tell us a little about you and your family.

My name is Toni Tayborn, and I’m a proud mother of 3 college students. Raven is 21 and will be graduating with her associate’s degree in December. Jerome is 20 and Eddie is 19 and are in their first year.

How does your family spend quality time? What are your hobbies?

We enjoy spending holidays together and talking about our time apart. We love shopping and watching movies. Since my children are away, I found comfort in my new pet yorkie, Cavalli.

Where do you work?

I work at The Salvation Army and have been with them for 5 years. I am a caseworker that provides financial assistance to families in need.

Why did you apply to be a Habitat homeowner?

I have always had a dream of owning a home. Before my father passed away, he gathered all of his children and gave us a speech on the importance of owning a home.

What are you looking forward to the most when you are a Habitat homeowner?

My personal goals are to own an affordable home and have a place for my family to enjoy. To have a clean and safe environment that is my own.

Where do you live now?

Garden Lake Apartments. My apartment is very small and has a bad odor. It is crowded outside of my door where I have to say excuse me almost everytime I walk in and out of my door. I believe the odor is coming from the pipes.

How did you hear about Southern Crescent Habitat for Humanity?

I heard about the program through a client that came to my job for financial emergency assistance.

What about Habitat has been the biggest surprise to you?

The amount of volunteers and donors that make this all possible, the hope that they bring to families looking to be homeowners.

How will your life change once you move into your new home?

I will be content and without stress due to instability of moving from apartment to apartment due to rental increases each year. Owning a home means everything to me. It’s ownership, stability, and security for me and my family.

What is the first thing you are going to do in your new home?

Praise God for giving me a stable home for myself and my family, and decorate it the way I have always wanted to decorate my place but could not because it was not my own.

What would you like to say to Habitat and the volunteers that are going to help you build your new home?

I would like to thank them for making my dream possible and giving me an opportunity to own a home. I would like to thank the organization for allowing me the opportunity to make my goal and dream a reality.

Interested in helping Toni start a new life? Click here to view available dates to volunteer with the construction of her new home, or click here to make a donation. 

This U.S. Navy Veteran is Going from Homeless to Habitat Homeowner!

Kenneth Dean (pictured left, with Lovejoy Councilwoman Mary Ann Carp) is a senior veteran who grew up in Macon, Georgia. He served in the Navy for 10 years as a Hospital Corpsman, providing life-saving medical care to Naval personnel and their families, working in orthopedics. He also spent 4 years working in the Marines, and served in four campaigns, including Desert Storm.

After getting out of the military, Kenneth suffered from medical issues of his own. He had both a heart attack and a stroke that put him out of work. He spent a month in the hospital and lost the ability of speech for 3 years. Thanks to disability benefits, he was able to finance these expensive medical costs, but the mortgage payments on his former home were too much.

“Unfortunately, I lost my house when I was hospitalized, but thanks to Habitat I got a second chance to own a house. I’m really glad,” Kenneth says.

Before being accepted to our program, Kenneth was even homeless for a brief time. Thankfully, his brother took him in and helped him complete the paperwork to become a SCHFH homeowner, and we just broke ground on his new home this October with The Home Depot Foundation.

“I can confess they’ve breathed new life in me. I’m honored that they chose me for the veteran program to build and I like to always thank them for that,” Kenneth says.

We really want to bring this veteran home, but we are still trying to raise the funds to complete Kenneth’s home.

His home will be one of five homes specifically marked for veterans in the 28 new home development of Hannah Springs in Lovejoy, Georgia. Like Kenneth tells us, “It’s always good to give back. I know that because I’m receiving what they are giving so I could say thank you so much, and please give.”

Click here to donate today to bring Kenneth home!

Everything You Wanted to Know About Interning for SC Habitat

It’s hard to believe summer’s half-way over, and while we are greatly anticipating the cooler fall weather, all of us at the offices of SC Habitat are not looking forward to saying goodbye to our summer interns, Mary Johnson (left) and Wendy Martinez (right). Before these ladies head back to school, we had the chance to talk with them about what it’s like working at SC Habitat.

Tell us a little bit about yourself.

Wendy: My name is Wendy. I am from Gainesville, Georgia, I go to Georgia Tech and I’m studying economics. I love going out to restaurants and eating new foods. I love food.

Mary: Well, my name Is Mary. I am a college student. I’m studying biology. I like to shop, swim, spend money, go out with friends, that’s about it!

How did you become interested in Habitat for Humanity?

Wendy: I learned about it through my friend Trisha. I think it’s a great organization and I really have always liked giving back to the community and I think this is a great way to serve people and help people out so I’m really glad that I’m doing this.

Mary: I’ve been with Habitat for over 12 years now because my mom is a homeowner with Habitat. I’ve kinda volunteered since I was small!

What’s your favorite part of working for SC Habitat?

Wendy: The people—everyone is really nice. I really like the casual culture too; I think it suits me.

Mary: The people we get to help is my favorite part: whenever I get to see a family kind of transition from the beginning stages to home ownership, what we’re really about.

What’s a typical day at the office look like for you?

Wendy: Usually I’ll come in around 9, check my e-mail, I read the news and then start on the work I need to get done—usually it involves shopping for food for the youth program and then just helping out Ciara, who is the youth program coordinator. I worked with Trisha and Justin to write a sponsorship package for our youth program, I was looking at food donations and ticket donations for field trips for the youth program. It was a lot of project planning, and a big part of my job is to make sure that we stay inside the budget and plan for expenses and look at details. I also had to be with the kids last week, and I got to teach them a few lessons during the day.

Mary: On a typical day I come in and see what tasks are at hand for the day, make a couple calls. My favorite work project so far has been summer youth camp, even though it has a lot of things to it, it’s been really fun. Accounting stuff has been a lot of fun too.

What has been your most memorable moment during your internship at SC Habitat?

Wendy: I really liked when everyone sang happy birthday to me! That was really nice of everyone.

Mary: Being in the room with the development team and having good laughs, talking with everybody!

If you were a superhero which one would you be?

Wendy: I’d be Tony Stark, because I really like the inside of his helmet.

Mary: Wonder woman because she’s the ultimate woman; she’s strong, she’s wise, and the woman version of Superman. She can do it all.

What’s your favorite quote?

Wendy: Philippians 4:13 – I can do all this through him who gives me strength.

Mary: Be somebody who makes everybody feel like a somebody.

Interested in getting involved this fall? E-mail our volunteer coordinator, kiera.dunn@schabitat.org to sign up to build with us. 

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Southern Crescent Habitat Challenges Women To Join The 2016 “Women Build” in Lovejoy, Georgia


Lovejoy, GA [March 1, 2016] – Women possess all that is needed to create a dramatic change in our community. By this, Southern Crescent Habitat For Humanity (SCHFH) is gearing up for the 2016 “Women Build,” an annual project that empowers women to build homes and enable them to positively impact the lives of families by making home ownership a reality. SCHFH challenges all-women volunteer teams to come together to actively work to build a home for LaTonya Flugence and her family. Each volunteer is asked for a contribution to help fund the builds supplies and materials. Volunteer dates will take place on April 2nd, 5th, 7th and 9th at 2338 Glebe Court, Lovejoy, Georgia 30228. To register and make a contribution, please visit schabitat.org/womenbuild

Southern Crescent Habitat’s “Women Build”  is a safe haven for women to practice and excel, no matter what their skill levels. The program nurtures, recruits and train women to build and maintain simple, decent, healthy and affordable homes in their community. This year’s build is dedicated to LaTonya Flugence. Ms. Flugence is a working mother of two sons, Kavious, 20 years of age and Kyle, 17 years of age. She has volunteered at her local Habitat Restore and has successfully completed her sweat equity and is ready to move into her new home.

“I am thankful for Southern Crescent Habitat For Humanity and to the woman that are coming together to help build, support, and donate their time to invest in me,” says Flugence.

SCHFH believes that everyone deserves a decent place to live. The affiliate has created opportunities for hard working people to own an attractive and affordable home. To qualify they must have a stable job with a 2-year tenure, spend more than 1/3 of their monthly income on rental housing, meet income requirements and invest 300 hours in sweat equity (building homes) and home ownership (financial and home maintenance) education. Our organization has helped over 300 families in South Atlanta, and would like to invite you to be apart of our mission to double that by 2020.

The Women Build volunteer dates are April 2nd, 5th, 7th and 9th and can accommodate 40 volunteers per day. We are only able to hold volunteer dates with volunteer donation or sponsorship commitment.
If your organization would like to participate in the “Women Build”, please register at schabitat.org/womenbuild and get social by following our Twitter/Facebook/Instagram pages @SCHabitatfh and hashtag #SCHWomenBuild and #BuildWithSCHabitat.
The Sponsorship Deadline is March 25 to be included in promotional material.

To apply for media credentials, please contact Kiara Jones,kiara.jones@schabitat.org 

About Southern Crescent Habitat For Humanity
Southern Crescent Habitat For Humanity (SCHFH) helps low income families find opportunity, stability and improve their quality of life. SCHFH helps build stronger families and neighborhoods through homeowner education which includes financial literacy and by partnering with donors and volunteers to construct attractive, affordable homes and to repair existing homes. SCHFH has created opportunities for hard working people to own an attractive and affordable home. To qualify they must have a stable job with a 2-year tenure, spend more than 1/3 of their monthly income on rental housing, meet income requirements and invest 300 hours in sweat equity (building homes) and home ownership education (financial and home maintenance). SCHFH has helped over 300 families in South Atlanta, and would like to invite you to be apart of our mission to double that by 2020.



Kiara Jones


Habitat Hosts Collegiate Challenge Week

JONESBORO, GA (March 6, 2015) – Emory and Henry College students will travel to Austin Meadows during their spring break to volunteer with Southern Crescent Habitat for Humanity. The students will help build homes and improve the communities the week of March 9th as part of Habitat for Humanity’s Collegiate Challenge program.

“We are excited about Emory & Henry College coming to work with us at Southern Crescent Habitat for Humanity,” said Chief Development Director, Lynne Washington. Shirley Chisholm once said, “Service is the rent we pay for the privilege of living on this earth”. “The service these young people are willing to give to a family in a different state speaks to the depth of their willingness to serve and help others have a new start, we couldn’t be happier and they are an example to all of us”, said Lynne.

The students will be working on Southern Crescent’s Interfaith Build which kicked off February 24, 2015 by a group of Clayton County High School students from Mt. Zion and Lovejoy. The call to end poverty is shared by the world’s religions, along with the conviction that decent housing for all is critical to achieving that goal. Interfaith groups come together in pursuit of a shared goal to put their faith in action. Other groups that will be participating in the build include the Episcopal Diocese of Atlanta, Destination Church, Knights of Columbus, Tau Alpha Delta, Klassy Kreation and more.

Habitat for Humanity’s Collegiate Challenge program invites students to spend one week working with Habitat affiliates to build homes and improve communities. Since 1989, nearly 240,000 college and high school students have volunteered during their spring break to help build or rehabilitate homes, donating over $25 million to Habitat affiliates.

“Collegiate Challenge engages thousands of students each year who work diligently towards improving communities and building decent, affordable housing,” said Mark Andrews, Habitat for Humanity International’s vice president of volunteer and institutional engagement. “We’re grateful to them for supporting our mission and help families realize their dream of home ownership. Communities will benefit from their hard work for years to come.”

The Collegiate Challenge program is one of the many programs Habitat has to engage the next generation of leaders in Habitat’s work. For more information, visit http://www.habitat.org/youthprograms/collegiate-challenge.

Southern Crescent Habitat partners with “Nothing But The Truth”

Long time volunteer of Southern Crescent Habitat for Humanity, Dianne Jones, asked if we would be interested in providing some space for a very special ministry group called “Nothing But the Truth”.  During the upcoming school year, she and two other ladies, Diane Soroko and Gail Smith, will be assembling sacks of food to distribute to elementary school children to take home over the weekend.  Those children have been identified as being at risk of not having sufficient food over the weekends.  The schools this ministry will be serving are Suter Elementary, Arnold Elementary and Lee Street Elementary.

 The food, which is all non-perishable and something a child can handle preparing for themselves, is typically donated from the Atlanta Food Bank as well as private donors.  There will be a group of 3-5 folks that will come to Southern Crescent Habitat on Friday mornings at 10am during the school year to assemble the food bags.  Habitat volunteers and homeowners earning sweat equity will also be able to help.

 These same three ladies are doing additional ministry work at Keystone Apartments in Jonesboro over the summer.  Every Tuesday afternoon between 4pm & 6pm they take snacks and share Bible stories with the children, do activities with them and hold a Bible study for any parents that are available.   This is a sweet group of ladies and Southern Crescent Habitat is very honored that they have reached out to allow us to be a part of their ministry.